Orion on Living Unity - Holiday 2024
Light is a word that holds the energy of awareness; of seeing clearly; of seeing more. Light can represent the ineffable – the energy of Life that flows through us and connects us with all things. Light is the flow of Unity.
Unity ~ the interconnection of all things – calls us to see further. Unity calls us to carry empathy, to share hearts; even, perhaps especially, in times that are challenging and confusing. But we also want to remind you to extend Unity consciousness to yourselves.
Be kind and caring of your own ups and downs, your own foibles and confusions. Be gentle and remind your inner judges to hold you in compassion. When striving and ‘improving’ seems to not gain what your ideas desire, consider that there may be another way.
Consider accepting, acknowledging and embracing yourself, your situation, just as it is in this moment. Consider that you are deeply ‘okay’. Invite the interconnections of life to offer you another perspective. Ask the All ‘Is there something I am not seeing or understanding?’. Listen for a response. Consider it.
Hold yourself, the all of you, the paradoxes of you, tenderly. Hold yourself with care. Hold yourself with an empathetic heart. Be your own caring, supportive ‘best friend’.
Living Unity consciousness is an active energy. Extend to others. Embrace for yourselves. And that active energy will flow through you, beyond you and return to you. Be ever dear to yourself and in that, you set in motion that very energy.
Kindness and caring empathy flows through even when we are in the seeming paradox of standing up, of anger and frustration; of fighting the good fight.
Life and Being is ever dear and we are all inextricably connected, even if we cannot fully comprehend it. And, it's not really your job to 'understand' all the permutations of life, much as minds desire to.
Rather, you can embrace 'recognizing', through the expansive sensing-awareness, that interconnectedness exists and find myriad ways to live through that energy.
And in this time of celebrating, we celebrate all of you; with deep appreciation. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being those who consider these thoughts and are willing to carry them. You are blessings of the Season.
Solstice December 2024
Click here for a downloadable PDF version of Orion on Living Unity
I join Orion in seeing all of you as blessings. As always, at this time,
I wish all of you all good things in all ways.