Orion on Spring and Life's Challenges

Dear Ones – Spring is arriving with the sense of possibility and new growth. Yet, we look around and see once again, that much is always happening in the world.  Difficulties, challenges, disasters.  If you were to review history, you would see variations on the present themes in all eras and ages.  In turn, each situation asks much of individuals, cultures, nations and the world.  Each adds its own element to the shape of the future and movements of life. Once again, you wonder, ‘How do I go with this next flow?’

In each era, explanations, considerations, inquiry are explored. Prophecies emerge, anodynes and solutions are offered; interpretations abound, truths are revealed. Revelations which are not true are offered as truth and the great dance of that which is known and that which is not known continues. 

Remembering the ’long view’ supports us in balancing our responses and reactions in the present moment. To explore balancing and coping with that which is not yet known, we suggest that the anchor point is holding in the forefront the very idea that one may not know nor come to fully know. 

As you find yourself responding to all the challenges of your personal world and those that arise in society and culture, in nature and more, explore the ideas and considerations that support you; make sense to you; feel aligned to you.  In that, remember to pause and consider as well and as strongly, 'Is this the whole truth?’  Ask,Is this all to be seen?  Is there more for me to know?'  And conversely, ‘Is there no action for to me to take in this moment?’; allowing that may indeed be so.

Make your choices informed by, not only what you are understand now, but considering as well,  would your choice be the same one if some or all of what you now understand, turned out to be different or inaccurate or changing or out of fullest context and so on. Ask, 'Do I need to pause? Do I need to wait another moment? Can I wonder about this a bit more?'

Our reminder is to bring the fullest view to mind, the fullest consideration, before you act or react.  And if you find you are caught in reaction to the news, the warning, the caution, you can also use the principle of the fullest consideration to rebalance, reconsider, revaluate and see what action is asked of you in the next moment; that moment that follows such review.

Even as we say this, we understand that it is easy to be overwhelmed by offers of perspective, including such as ours.  Remember to acknowledge that as well and give yourself time to sit with what information, opinion and guidance may come to you.  In allowing this, information may coalesce into an integrated, balanced option in a way you could not at first have seen.  'Considering' gives space for your own discovery of wisdom to come present.  

And in the end, remember to stop and smell the flowers.  Enjoy a walk, a lovely meal, a good conversation. Embrace the beauty, the loveliness of life, some element of which is always present even through the most difficult times. Bloom where you are planted. It is within your nature to do so.   Orion


Thank you all for your caring messages about my recent breast cancer treatments. 
I am well recovered and my Winter hiatus was most renewing. 
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