In Memory of Our DearHeart Friend, Michael Gritz

My Dear Orion Friends, It is with great sadness and a tender heart that I share with you the passing of Michael Gritz, my DearHeart friend, Brother & Sister in Spirit – fratello e sorella  nello spirito - as we called ourselves. Friend as family for 42 years. He died on Christmas Day at 67 years old.

If you were in Washington, D.C. in the early days of the Orion work, you would have known Michael well. Michael was my ‘grounder’; the energy that supported me as I worked within the flow of the Orion consciousness.  Our meeting, which came through a mutual friend, Francine, preceded our public work with Orion.  Michael was the anchor that helped me navigate working with the Orion energy. In that, he was also part of the small group of friends who first were willing to listen to what the Orion consciousness shared. The principles explored with that first group, form the core of  ‘The Orion Material – Perspectives of Awareness.’

Our friendship grew and deepened and we became integral within each other’s life. Michael was at times a housemate with our family. He was Godfather to Alexander, who many of you may remember as a young child. We shared opera, classic movies, musicals, mysteries, and life with a bigger view, a metaphysical one.  Together we studied ancient traditions and cosmologies and Michael celebrated the seasonal holidays in the Celtic/Wiccan tradition, rooted in nature.  Together we worked to bring a sense of inclusiveness to my metaphysical bookstore, Synchronicity Bookshop, in Adams Morgan in the early 80’s; especially for the then-called Gay & Lesbian community. We marched for AIDS, the ERA, for equality. When Perry Fitzhugh and I named Michael as Guardian for young Alexander in our will, we had to add much legal verbiage so it could not be challenged because he was Gay. Michael didn’t legally become Guardian, but he was indeed that person to Alexander all his life.

Michael was a magickal person. A gifted astrologer and extraordinary Tarot reader, with an extensive collection. Opera was such a passion.  He and I bought season tickets at the very beginning of the Washington Opera company. I was most familiar with Puccini and Verdi, but Michael was knowledgeable of the whole opera pantheon and continued this exploration all his life. He introduced Gilbert and Sullivan to young Alexander and they once watched the entire Ring cycle presented over five nights on PBS, with Michael reading from the Libretto.

 Michael carried deep empathy. He was always good counsel, thoughtful, listening, willing to share his sense; just as willing to let you find your own way. He was extremely sensitive to feeling into a person and going with the flow needed in that moment; willing to be quiet or take action; whatever was needed.  He carried a quiet strength that could rise up and be an active champion when needed.

My husband Dennis said he felt as if a light had just went out, while others are still shining; an active part of our life, now will not be active in the same way. At this moment, I feel a great sense of absence; but thinking of Michael, writing of him, brings to the forefront the gift of my many years with him; and that gift can be revisited in heart and mind over and over again.  And like my sister Jacqui, he is now in the stars, from whence we all come.

 I created this portrait of Michael for Yule. To me, it captures an essence of him. I have now added the stars.   


Holding his memory with care. Elisabeth